8 track tape
8 track tape

8 track tape

The sound quality of these recorders can be very good I used to have a Tascam 38, and although the amount of noise it generated (it didn't have built‑in noise reduction) used to irritate me, by the time I had finished mixing, carefully fading tracks in and out as necessary, I was usually more than pleased with the result.

8 track tape

Your analogue 8‑track will almost certainly be a Fostex or a Tascam, so I'll aim my comments at this type of machine.

8 track tape

I'm going to forget 8‑track hard disk for now, because it's very much a minority activity, although I don't think I'll be saying the same thing this time next year. These days, 8‑track recorders come in three varieties: analogue, digital and hard disk. Having 24 tracks is a brute force answer to the problem, but 8‑track users can solve it with intelligence.

8 track tape

But you can get around this with a little thought and planning. The limitations of 8‑track, a common recording format, are obvious - it takes more than eight instruments to make a modern recording. It's a fact of life that home recordists and project studio owners will always want more tape tracks - but just because you have a limited number of tracks available, this doesn't mean that you can't compete with the big boys who have 24‑track.


David Mellor passes on a few tricks to help 8‑track users expand their recording horizons - including how to get 20 tracks from 8. The development of the 8-trackformat took the basic 4-track technology and refined it, making changes designed to make the tape less likely to jamwhile playing, and to increase accessibility to individual selections on the tape.In these days of practically unlimited MIDI sequencer tracks, just eight tape tracks can seem frustratingly few. It was perhaps Ernie Muntz'sinitiative that rekindled Ford's interest in offering an in-dash tape cartridge system.


He acquired rights to the format and began marketing both hardware(players) and software (prerecorded tapes), licensing music from major record labels. Originally developed in 1956 (also in conjunction withFord Motors), the 4-track format was originally forsaken as unmarketable, and lay dormant until the early '60s, whenenterprising Ernie Muntz saw its potential. "The 4-track cartridge format had had a head start over 8-tracks. Accordingly, both 4-track and 8-track prerecorded tape cartridges were originallysold only in such outlets as auto parts stores and roadside truck stops." Home players were notintroduced for another year or so. At first, 4-track and 8-track tape players were just car accessories. "The 8-track format, on the other hand, was developed by a diverse consortium that included the Ampex Magnetic TapeCompany, Lear Jet Company and RCA Records, and enjoyed the tremendous advantage of being championed at itsinception by Ford Motors, which in 1965 (debuted September 15) offered 8-track players as an option in their completeline of 1966 model cars. His marketing and distribution arrangements were spotty at best, relegating the4-track format to the inferior (when compared to 8-track) status of a regional phenomenon, most popular insuch locales as California (Muntz's home base) and Florida, but unpopular or unknown in many other areas." The 4-track system was refined and marketed as a car accessory byMadman Ernie Muntz, a west-coast used car dealer looking for something he could offer as an accessory toboost his used car sales. Althoughextremely similar in appearance (the only obviousdifference between the two being a large hole in the top leftunderside of 4-tracks), the two formats were not at all compatible, having been developed and marketed bytwo different and competing factions. "Four-track and 8-track cartridges coexisted on themarketplace for some time, with the 8-track formateventually defeating by attrition its look-alike cousin (beforein turn being overtaken by the cassette format). Article by Jason Brabazon, on the 8-Track Heaven web site: 8-track tape history History of the 8-track TapeThe following is quoted from "The Rise and Fall of the 8-Track" excerpted from "You Really Got Me," a comprehensive history of the Kinks, by Doug Hinman and Jason Brabazon.

8 track tape